Renée hosts transformative Gatherings.

A deceptively simple and elegant experience that brings

powerful human and performance impacts!


This breakthrough experience has been called “uncommon and profound.”


Whether virtually or in person, Renée and her co-hosts embody love, calm, and wisdom as they guide groups to (re)discover what it is to be loving and human at work.

With “bite of the apple” instruction, and plenty of time to build relationships, participants reflect, discuss, and practice “essential human skills” to actively create and experience the culture they long for at work.


Gatherings don’t just teach participants about loving, human practices but Gatherings provide an experience with valued qualities in real time. Build culture, learn skills, and strengthen relationships for performance and satisfaction.

What People Say About Gatherings


“My biggest takeaway was the space you made for me to express my feelings during this uncertain time. I hadn't given voice to any of that yet, and it just felt good."

— Joey, Los Angeles


“Renee’s method of engaging us in the conversation helped me get grounded, get in touch with my emotions and enabled me to craft my near future.”

— Samuel, Los Angeles


“I didn’t know how much I needed this.”

— Gathering participant on Zoom

“Since our virtual gathering yesterday, I just want to express my sincere gratitude for creating this wonderful opportunity to come together as community.”

— Angelica, Seattle


“I really appreciate this gathering. It helps to remind me about what I should be doing to stay healthy over this time. It makes me feel less alone.”

— Participant, Global Gathering


”Zoom melted away!”

— Gathering parcipant on Zoom