Forward to Work Consulting Services

from Renée Smith & the Team at

This time is incredibly challenging, but disruptions open the way to new possibilities and creative opportunities. Now is the time to seize the day and go forward to work because there’s no going back.

Here’s your Path Forward to Work.

a human workplace, global movement, speaker, award winning executive, training, prolific author, founder and ceo, human resources, forward thinking, progressive, future, heart-centered, improved workplace, speaker, renee smith, global movement


The Steps on the Path Forward to Work

  • 1 - Reconnect with Care

    Support your team members to process their experiences, to feel seen and heard, to learn well-being skills, and to grow their mutual trust and respect.

  • 2 - Discover What's True Now

    Understand what’s the same and what’s changed for customers, team members, space, technology, and other contextual factors. Refresh your shared values.

  • 3 - Co-Design Your Culture and Ops

    Collaboratively re-imagine new, relevant cultural and operations practices that support today’s customer requirements and employee needs and bring your shared values to life!

  • 4 - Co-Create the Future

    Engage your team with trust, recognize their contributions, strengthen your human-centered culture, create buy-in by involving the team to build what they’ve co-designed.

  • 5 - Be In Conversation

    Craft the most open, trusting communication experience your team’s ever been part of to keep plans on track and everyone on board toward your shared vision. It is based on open conversations about what matters most.

  • 6 - Start Again

    Continue to connect, discover, co-design, co-create and be in conversation as a part of your cultural practices to keep going forward not back.


Be an Early Adopter of Love at Work

#1 Guiding Principle for Going Forward to Work: The process of creating the future of work must embody the qualities we want in that future!

Watch this short video to learn more about how we create the future of work now.


Principles for a More Human Workplace

Renée guides you and your team through a human culture transformation process step by step with commitment over time to cultivate a more human-centered culture that’s good for people and good for results too.

Embody the Future You Want Now. HOW we go down the Path Forward to Work will determine what our future of work is like. A more human path equals a more human future. Live into this now.

Reject Fear. Grasp how toxic fear functions in human neurophysiology, how damaging fear is to you, to your team, and to your mission, what it looks like, and how to immediately start to shrink fear.

Choose Love. Understand what love is, what it looks like at work, why it is beneficial to people and your professional efforts, and how to expand it on your team today, tomorrow, always.

Practice love. Learn how to put love in motion and stop fear in its tracks in day to day moments that matter. Adopt a tool and practices as part of your culture to make love a norm when it counts each day.

Activate love. Pro-actively and strategically align policies, practices, and processes with love so that your organization truly stands for love in words and in deeds.


a human workplace, global movement, speaker, award winning executive, training, prolific author, founder and ceo, human resources, forward thinking, progressive, future, heart-centered, improved workplace, speaker, renee smith, global movement

Virtual Team Workshop in Zoom

a human workplace, global movement, speaker, award winning executive, training, prolific author, founder and ceo, human resources, forward thinking, progressive, future, heart-centered, improved workplace, speaker, renee smith, global movement

In-Person Workshop in Copenhagen, Denmark